A Day in the Life

Hi again!

Since I don’t post on here that frequently, I thought I would give you all a peek into my almost daily life, not just so that you get to know me better, but to also explain why I have not been super active! : )

My typical day starts off with classes at CU Boulder, and this semester I currently have 17 credit hours, which equates to 7 classes, 6 of which are in the Dance Department! (So, I basically live there! It’s wonderful, seriously.) : ) The final credit is my Abnormal Psychology class, which I have been loving so far.


Every day starts off wonderfully, because during my walk to classes I get to see the gorgeous Flatirons every single time when it’s clear outside. They are absolutely incredible and are a friendly reminder of how precious every moment of every day is.


After many many hours of dancing with my wonderful group of friends (which basically consists of almost everyone that is in the dance department), I usually take whatever break I can to get some lunch and a coffee at the Starbucks that is a 2 minute walk away from my department! It’s so dangerous, I know, I try to contain myself!! If I am not with friends and have some time to kill before my next class, I usually end up working on other things or just browsing the web. : )


In case you’re interested in my laptop stickers, the snowflake has the Colorado state flag on it, the butterfly one is from Gaudí’s Park Güell in Barcelona, and the big one is from my trip to New Zealand, when we got to see the Kiwi birds! I also have two elephants making a heart out of the apple logo, as well as a sticker of an iguana in a sweater from a friend of my little sibling!


Then, after some lounge time, I get right back into the studio! My days seem like they’d take forever, and sometimes they do, but most of the time I am having a blast with my wonderful, incredibly insightful friends. My dance classes are always my favorite parts of my day, and they basically take up all of it! : ) Well, almost…FullSizeRender

Once school ends, I head to 1-2 of my 3 jobs and teach for the night! As of right now, I am teaching ballet, tap, and jazz between the 3 studios, and my kids are fantastic!! They are always a fun end to my already great days, and I try to make sure that every class is a blast. : )

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Then, after the day is finally over, I head back home to my adorable kitties, Zeus (left) and Juniper (right), do whatever homework I have to do, and relax for the rest of the night.

That’s about it!! Hopefully you enjoyed this little sneak peek into my life. Every day is different, and I also am in 2 rehearsals a week for a show in the Spring that I did not mention (I will soon, don’t worry…), but this is the main gist of it! What fun things do you do in your day-to-day life?

Thanks for reading!!


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